For the Massage You Deserve...
Welcome to Pure Massage Therapy offering you the following massages:
Massage for Training Recovery
Training hard can take a lot out of you. Do you push yourself to the limit and beyond in your training sessions? After training, are your muscles sore? How serious are you in improving your performance in your next session?
Not only will a massage help your muscles recover a lot quicker, but also reduce the soreness, tension and the muscle adhesion. Massage may also help reduce the risk of injuries, like Muscle Pulls and Tears. After the massage, your muscles will feel relaxed and you may also be able to improve on your previous performance in your next training challenge. Would you like that? If so, call today.

Massage for Professionals in the Office
5000 years ago, humans slept at dusk and rose at dawn. They went hunting, exploring and had a lot of free time. Now, the times are different even though the body construction is the same. We now, are constantly bombarded with messages, alerts, interruptions, endless stream of deadlines and sitting at your desk for long hours typing away, can take its toll on your body. Neck, shoulders, arms, hands and lower back are principal targets for tiredness and stress. Muscles in these areas contract and prolonged contractions, may give you tension, aches and pain. Further, your legs can feel sluggish due to the long periods of sitting. Does any of this sound familiar? If so, call today.

Massage for Busy Mums
Being a Mum leaves you with very little time for yourself, right? Lack of sleep could also be a problem. Neck, shoulders, back aches and lack of rest are typical symptoms for Mums. When was the last time you had a break and had some time to you? When was the last time you were pampered? Even an hour would be great, yes? Massage may be an excellent way to melt some of your aches away and be pampered. It may also, help you sleep better and reverse the signs of aging. Do you agree, being pampered once in a while is good for you? If so, call today.
‘2 out of 5 office workers in Britain are suffering from ‘dangerously high’ levels of stress’. Quote from Daily Mail - Stress can show as in different ailments and diseases some of which can become long term...
Quote from Daily Mail - Stress can show as in different ailments and diseases some of which can become long term... Tweet